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System Architecture

TEA is a Python Chalice application that leverages AWS Lambda and API Gateway to create Pre-signed S3 URLs to facilitate user downloads over https via CloudFront.

TEA Design

Dynamic In-Region IP CIDR Updates

TEA deploys a Lambda, triggered by a subscription to the SNS Topic arn::aws:sns:us-east-1:806199016981:AmazonIpSpaceChanged, which downloads the AWS Provided ip-ranges.json file, parses out the IP CIDRs for the deploy region, and automatically updates the In-Region IAM Role's Policy Document condition block.

This lambda is defined in

Build Process


Code Quality

TEA leverages several open source platforms along with mandatory peer code review to help ensure the code base is clean, stable, and secure.

Linting github integrations provide merge request blocking based on appropriate levels of code linting.


PyUp, Snyk and Whitesource all provide Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Analysis. Emergent CVE fixes are automatically pushed to the TEA repo as pull requests and merged into the repo as soon as possible.

Static Code Analysis and Whitesource provide merge request block based on Static Code Analysis to help ensure our code is secure and safe to run.

External Integrations

TEA cannot really operate in a vacuum. TEA is part of what might be considered the Earthdata ecosystem.


TEA can be considered the "official" distribution application of Cumulus, and while there is a symbiotic relationship, TEA is an add-on to cumulus rather than an extension. We suggest utilizing the applicable Cumulus documentation for tightly coupled TEA+Cumulus deployments.


The Earthdata Login OAUTH service is a requirement for distributing data where user activity tracking and reporting is required. Before deploying TEA, it is important to have access to, or create a new EDL Application. Creating and administrating an EDL Application requires the EDL App Admin role, which must be requested through the feedback modal in the Earthdata login header menu.


While TEA can be deployed outside of the Earthdata Cloud, it is designed and intended to be used within the Earthdata Cloud environment. While we assume you'll be deploying to the EDC, we cannot provide assistance in setting up or configuring access to EDC. However, when there are steps or considerations that are required for integration into EDC, we will help ensure you have all the information you need to do the right thing.